Written translation
Written translation
Translation of documents
We offer translation services in technical, medical, legal and other branches by highly qualified specialized professionals
Proof-reading of documents
Proof-reading of document to correct grammar, spelling, syntax and technical mistakes
Document editing (by native speakers)
Additional formatting of your text or the translated version of your text to improve the structure, composition, literary style, and to correct logical errors.
You can order editing of texts by highly qualified translators or native speakers
Composition services
If you are doing your graduate thesis or project work, article or presentation, we will be glad to offer you our composition services allowing
to arrange your documents in a single style. Composition services include layout preparation with the use of component elements (text, headings, tables, pictures) and document formatting (page borders, spacing, font size and style)
We are pleased to offer you a rewriting service, which implies text writing (for example, a business letter) based on your sketches
If you need to translate video or audio materials, we can offer you a service of initial transcription of audiotext into a written text.
Notarization of translations
Notarize your translated documents without problems and delays within a partnership network of notaries
Delivery and printing of documents
We can print and deliver your documents (10 pages and more)s
KANTAI Baspasy – publishing of the world's best-sellers in the Kazakh language
KANTAI Baspasy – publishing of the world's best-sellers in the Kazakh language
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